You can enable LEDES billing for your firm and then configure each client and matter to have use specific LEDES codesets for each invoice.
By default, ZenCase provides a set of official LEDES codesets which adheres to the LEDES.org standards. These codesets are considered a ZenCase "system set" and cannot be modified nor deleted.
Enable LEDES Billing
As a firm administrator, you can enable LEDES billing from the Firm Settings page.
In the upper right corner of the screen, click on your name.
Click "Firm Settings" from the navigation dropdown.
On the Firm Settings page, click on the "Configurations" tab.
Click on the "Billing and Payments" tab.
Select the toggle switch icon to "Enable LEDES Billing".
The toggle switch icon will turn blue when enabled.
You have now enabled LEDES billing for your law firm.
Setup Default LEDES Codesets
In the upper right corner of the screen, click on your name.
Click "Firm Settings" from the navigation dropdown.
On the Firm Settings page, click on the "Settings" tab.
Click on the "LEDES Codesets" tab.
You will now see a list of all the standard LEDES.org codesets for:
Timekeeper codeset
Expense codeset
Activity codeset
Task codeset
From this list page, you can filter by "Code Type" or "System Set" to find a specific codeset and determining whether they are a custom set you created or a system set provided by ZenCase.
Under the Actions column, you can choose to "Clone LEDES Codeset" or "Edit"
Edit will allow you to select the "Default" checkbox if you would like the specific codeset to be used for client, matters, and invoices by default.
Clone will clone a system standard codeset so you can modify the codeset name and code attributes.
ZenCase generated system codesets cannot be modified or deleted. You can clone a system codeset if you would like to modify or delete a codeset.
Clone LEDES Codeset
In the upper right corner of the screen, click on your name.
Click "Firm Settings" from the navigation dropdown.
On the Firm Settings page, click on the "Settings" tab.
Click on the "LEDES Codesets" tab.
Under the Actions column, select "Clone LEDES Codeset".
In the pop up, enter a new codeset name.
Click "Save"
On the new cloned LEDES codeset page, you can now toggle the "Active" column to select certain codes to be visible or not visible to members when entering a time or expense.
Or you can click "Edit" pencil icon from Actions column and select "Active" checkbox to enable or disable the code.
For timekeeper codesets, you can optionally enter an "Override Code".
The override code for timekeepers will allow you to set the LEDES timekeeper code on a member. When you generate an invoice with charges for this timekeeper, the LEDES generated file will replace the original code with the override code.
For example, if you have a timekeeper code for "Legal Assistant" and you set an override code for "OT", then the LEDES generated file at the time you generate an invoice will say "OT" instead of "Legal Assistant".
You have now cloned an existing system codeset. Cloned codesets can be modified and deleted as needed.
If you want to use the cloned codeset, be sure to go to your Client or Matter page and update your LEDES configuration to use the new cloned codeset for future LEDES bills.
Create A Custom Codeset
In the upper right corner of the screen, click on your name.
Click "Firm Settings" from the navigation dropdown.
On the Firm Settings page, click on the "Settings" tab.
Click on the "LEDES Codesets" tab.
Click "Add LEDES Codeset"
Enter the name of your custom codeset.
Select the "Code Type":
Select the "Default" checkbox if you would like the specific codeset to be used for client, matters, and invoices by default.
Click "Save"
On the new custom LEDES codeset page, you can now add new codes.
Click "Add Code"
Enter code
Enter description
Select "Active" checkbox
Click "Save" or "Save and Add Another"
You have now created your own custom codeset which may or may not adhere to the LEDES.org standards. Custom codesets can be modified or deleted as needed.
If you want to use the custom codeset, be sure to go to your Client or Matter page and update your LEDES configuration to use the new custom codeset for future LEDES bills.
Next, learn how to Setup Default Charge Description With LEDES Codesets