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Admin: Setup iManage Cloud For ZenCase

How To Setup And Configure Your iManage Cloud Document Library For ZenCase

Christine Clark avatar
Written by Christine Clark
Updated over a month ago

How To Setup And Configure iManage Cloud

For the best experience integrating your iManage Cloud document library in ZenCase, please follow the guidelines specified below.

Only iManage Cloud administrators have the ability to configure document library options.

Setup Custom Meta Data Fields

NOTE: To perform operations in the iManage Control Center for Metadata fields, the user must be a member of the NRTADMIN group, or be assigned to a role with Tier 2 access to Control Center. For more information about the specific operations allowed, refer to Understanding tiers.

When utilizing iManage's custom meta data fields in which you may want to map ZenCase specific data over, you need to be aware of how the iManage custom fields are represented.

The client and matter will be set to custom1 and custom2 respectively. ZenCase will send the client and matter numbers to the custom1 and custom2 iManage custom metadata fields based on iManage conventions.

It is worth noting that fields custom3 through custom12 are validated strings and have to be created BEFORE using values as actual metadata - as opposed to custom13 - custom16, which are arbitrary.

An iManage administrator will need to create custom fields custom3 to custom12 before you can map any of the ZenCase items to those specific iManage custom fields.

  • configure a metadata mapping on it:
    correspond available data sources in ZenCase to compatible custom fields in iManage
    available ZenCase data sources:

    • matter_originator - first and last name of a matter originator (string)

    • matter_manager - first and last name of a matter manager (string)

    • matter_type - matter type (string)

    • matter_subtype - matter subtype's name (string)

    • jurisdiction - matter's jurisdiction name (string)

    • document_type - available through the document's blueprint (string)

    • document_subtype - available through blueprint (string)
      any could be mapped to fields custom3 through custom16 since said fields store strings
      worth noting that fields custom3 through custom12 are validated strings and have to be pre-created before using values as actual metadata - as opposed to custom13 - custom16, which are arbitrary.

  • create and merge a document on the matter using the document blueprint

  • ensure that an iManage counterpart of the document is complemented with additional metadata according to the configured mapping
    the iManage files could be accessed through the "Files" tab on the matter's view form
    document's metadata is displayed on the right pane within the iManage iframe - scroll down a bit

Configure Custom Fields To Display On Documents

NOTE: To view or perform operations in the iManage Cloud Control Center on the Forms page, the user signed in to iManage Cloud Control Center must be:

  • a member of the NRTADMIN group in at least one library, or be assigned to a library role with Tier 2 Control Center privileges.

  • be assigned to a Global role with the Setting Management privilege.

To customize the property forms for Document, select Settings > Forms > Properties tab to display the following page:

  • For Documents, configure visible custom<x> options on the right most pane where it says "Document and Email Properties".

  • Click the "Edit" button to adjust the list of what's accessible on a document.

  • In the modal that pops up, scroll down and tap "+ Add New", then select a field to add your custom meta data field to display on the document form.

  • Click "Save" to confirm.

You should now have the specified custom meta data fields visible on the document properties page.

Let us know if you have any questions!

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