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Void Trust Transactions
Written by Daryna Chorna
Updated over a week ago


You can void a trust transaction that was mistakenly entered from the Trust Transactions list page. After voiding a trust transaction, you can filter trust transactions by the Void filter.

Void Trust Transaction

  • Go to Trust Transactions page from the left navigation bar.

  • Click the "..." three dots icon under Actions column and click "Void".

  • Click "Yes, void Trust Transaction".

  • When voiding a transaction, it will add an indicator to each transaction, the voided transaction will say (Voided) under the number, the voiding transaction will say (Voided #transaction number) indicating that it voided another transaction.

You have successfully voided trust transaction.

Void Trust Transaction From Client Page

  • Go to Contacts page from the left navigation bar.

  • Click on the contact name to view a specific contact in the list.

  • You will be redirected to the Contact details page.

  • Go to Contact > Trust Transactions tab.

  • Click the "..." three dots icon under Actions column and click "Void".

  • Click "Yes, void Trust Transaction"

  • When voiding a transaction, it will add an indicator to each transaction, the voided transaction will say (Voided) under the number, the voiding transaction will say (Voided #transaction number) indicating that it voided another transaction.

You have successfully voided trust transaction.

Void Trust Transaction From Matter Page

  • Go to Matters page from the left navigation bar.

  • Click on the matter name to view a specific matter in the list.

  • You will be redirected to the Matter details page.

  • Go to Matter > Trust Transactions tab.

  • Click the "..." three dots icon under Actions column and click "Void"

  • Click "Yes, void Trust Transaction"

  • When voiding a transaction, it will add an indicator to each transaction, the voided transaction will say (Voided) under the number, the voiding transaction will say (Voided #transaction number) indicating that it voided another transaction.

You have successfully voided trust transaction.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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