ZenCase will create two system security groups for your organization by default: Admin and User.
The Admin security group will have access to everything in the system.
The User security group will have access to their own member's information in the system.
Create Your Own Security Group
You must have "Create" permission for Security Groups and you will see a button for "Add Group" at top left corner of the Firm Settings > Security Groups page.
Click on your name in the top right corner of the page
Click "Firm Settings"
Click "Security Groups" tab
Click "Add Group"
βNote: Alternately, you can "Clone" an existing security group. From the "Actions" column, click on the squares icon button to clone an existing security group.Enter a new security group name
Click "Save"
You will now see your security group page on the screen.
Enter description
Under "General Security", you can select from the following options for each resource type:
View/Modify Own
Under "Matter Security", you can select from the following configurations:
Matter Security
Allow members to restrict another member's access to a matter
Matter Security Override
Allow members to override the security for a matter
Client Transfer
Allow members to transfer a matter to another client
Under "Report Security", you can select from the following reports:
Client A/R Aging & Matter A/R Aging
Receipt Allocations
Collections Overview
Client Invoices & Payments
Task Budgets
Time Entries (Calendar view)
Time Entries By Matter
Time Entries By Member
Trust Balances
Custom Reports
Custom reports allow viewing of reports created for your firm by ZenCase approved consultants
Under "LEDES Billing Security", you can select from the following configuration:
LEDES Billing
Allows members to configure LEDES billing options for a matter
Under "Trust Transactions", you can select from the following option:
Client Balances
Under "QuickBooks Security", you can select from the following option:
Allow members to receive QuickBooks notifications when QuickBooks is enabled for your organization
Add Members To Your Security Group From Security Group Page
Once you create a security group, you can add members to your new security group. You must have "Update" permission for Security Groups and you will see a button for "Edit" under the "Actions" column.
Click on your name in the top right corner of the page
Click "Firm Settings"
Click "Security Groups" tab
Under "Actions", click the pencil icon to "Edit" the security group
On the security group page, select a member from the "Add Member" dropdown on the right side of the page
After selecting a member, click "Add"
Confirm with "Add Member" or "Cancel" to cancel action
Your member should now be added to the security group.
Bulk Add Members To Your Security Group From Members Page
Once you create a security group, you can add members to your new security group. You must have "Update" permission for Security Groups and you will see a bulk action for "Edit Security Group".
Click on your name in the top right corner of the page
Click "Firm Settings"
Click "Members" tab
Select checkbox all the members you want to update the security group
Click "Bulk Action"
Click "Edit Security Group"
In the pop up window, select the Security Group from the dropdown selection
Click "Save"
Your members should now be added to the security group.
Next, learn how to Add Custom Fields For Your Organization