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Edit A Pre-Bill

How To Edit, Review, And Approve A Pre-Bill In ZenCase

Christine Clark avatar
Written by Christine Clark
Updated over a week ago


Once you've create a pre-bill, you can now review, make changes, and approve pre-bills before generating the final invoice and sending to clients.

How To Edit A Pre-Bill

You can easily add or edit charge line items to a pre-bill; review and approve the pre-bill; add a pre-bill invoice discount; and apply unallocated or trust funds to a pre-bill.

  • Go to the Pre-Billed page from left navigation bar

  • Search or filter your table results

  • Click on the Pre-Bill number from the "Pre-Bill #" column in the table

  • Alternatively, click the "..." three dots icon under Actions column and click "Edit Pre-Bill"

  • You will be redirected to the pre-bill edit page

  • Under the Billing Information section, you can set:

    • Invoice Date

    • Term Days

    • Due Date

  • From the top toolbar, you can:

    • Approve/Unapprove by clicking "Approve button

    • Add Invoice Discount by clicking "Discount" button

    • Add Private Note and Customer Memo by clicking "Settings" button

    • Show/Hide Client, Matter, and Invoice Summaries line items by clicking "Settings" button

  • Clicking the "Settings" button in the top toolbar, you can adjust the following settings:

    • Set billing contact and billing address

    • Add private notes to invoice

      • Use the copy icon in top right corner next to Private Note header to copy matter information into the note field.

    • Add customer memo

      • Use the copy icon in top right corner next to Customer Memo header to copy matter information into the note field.

    • With LEDES enabled, you can set a pre-bill to be "Final Bill?" check yes or no, when used with a custom LEDES template, this will generate the "FINAL" word on the LEDES .txt output file.

    • Turn on and off specific PDF summaries for:

      • Show Client Summary and details

      • Show Matter Summary and details

      • Show Invoice summary and details

      • Show Time Summary and details

      • Show Trust Replenishment Summary and details

      • Show Client Payment Summary

      • Show Matter Payment Summary

      • Show Pre-Bill Charge Numbers

      • Show Law Pay Link when Law Pay enabled

How To Add Attachments To A Pre-Bill

On the pre-bill edit page, you can add documents and images to your pre-bill directly from your computer or by copying expense attachment to your pre-bill attachments.

Note: Only PDF files will be appended to the end of your pre-bill and final invoice PDF. You can preview the pre-bill by clicking "Print Preview" from the top toolbar. All other files types are linked to the invoice for reference purposes.

  • Under Attachments section, click "Pre-Bill Attachments" tab

  • Click "Attach From Computer" and select a file to upload

  • Alternatively, you can drag and drop the file (one file at a time) in the dashed box area to upload the file

  • You should now see your files in the Pre-Bill attachments tab

  • Click the "Import Expense Attachments" tab to view all expense attachments available to add to your pre-bill

    • These are pulled from all expense line items under each Matter section of the pre-bill. If the expense has attachments, you will see these under Available Attachments section.

  • Click the "+" icon to move the expense attachments to the Selected Attachments area

  • Once you are done selecting expense attachments, click "Add To Pre-Bill" button

  • Click on the "Pre-Bill Attachments" tab to confirm expense attachments were copied over to the pre-bill

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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