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Create And View Split Bill Arrangement For A Pre-Bill
Create And View Split Bill Arrangement For A Pre-Bill

Create And View Split Bill Arrangement For A Pre-Bill In ZenCase

Christine Clark avatar
Written by Christine Clark
Updated over a week ago


Split fee billing arrangements are setup at the matter level and applied to pre-bills based on each matter. Split fee billing is only supported for matter level billing. Learn how to Setup Split Fee Billing Arrangements For A Matter.

Create A Pre-Bill With Split Bill Arrangement

From the Unbilled list page, when creating pre-bills, each matter will apply the default split fee billing arrangement if a billing arrangement is set as the default to use for pre-bills. If no billing arrangement is set as default, you will be prompted in a dialog box to select the billing arrangement to apply to pre-bill(s).

Generate Pre-Bills With Split Bill Arrangement

  • Go to the Unbilled list page by clicking the Unbilled link in the left navigation bar

  • Apply filters by clicking "All Filters" to find your pre-bill

  • When no default bill arrangement is set for the matter, then:

    • For a single pre-bill, in the table row "Actions" column, click the "Generate A Pre-Bill" document icon

      • Note: You must perform the action from the Actions column button to apply split bill arrangement for a pre-bill if your matter does not have a default bill arrangement setup. Bulk generating pre-bills will only apply bill arrangement set as the default for the matter. Otherwise, pre-bills will have no bill arrangement when bulk generated.

    • If there is no bill arrangement set as the default for the matter, then you will see a prompt to choose one

    • Select an option and you will see the details. Confirm the details look correct.

    • Click "Generate Pre-Bill" to create a pre-bill with selected bill arrangement.

    • Your pre-bill should now be created with the bill arrangement.

  • When a default bill arrangement is set for the matter:

    • You can choose to select multiple pre-bills using the checkboxes in the table

    • Click the "Generate Pre-Bills" button at the top of the table

    • Your pre-bills should be successfully generated and any matters with a default bill arrangement selected will be applied to those pre-bills, otherwise there will be no bill arrangement applied when no default is set on a matter.

    • Alternatively, from the table row "Actions" column, you can click the "Generate A Pre-Bill" document icon

    • Your pre-bill should be successfully generated.

Once a pre-bill has a billing arrangement applied, the billing arrangement cannot be modified. You will need to delete the pre-bill and re-generate the pre-bill to apply a different billing arrangement.

How To View Split Bill Arrangement For A Pre-Bill

  • Go to the Pre-Billed list page by clicking the "Pre-Billed" link in the left navigation bar.

  • On the pre-billed list page, you will see a column for "Pre-Bill #" which will display the pre-bill invoice number.

    • If the pre-bill has a split fee bill arrangement applied, you will see the word "Split" under the invoice number

  • Click on the word "Split" below the invoice number in the Pre-Bill # column.

  • A right side panel will open which will display the following for each billing party:

    • Billing Party Name

    • Billing Address

    • Fee Amount

    • Expense Amount

    • Description

    • Note

    • Invoice PDF link

  • Click on the "Print" link in the Invoice column.

  • You will get a pop up window that will display a pre-bill preview PDF.

  • At the bottom of the pre-bill PDF, you will see a Split Billing Summary section which will show each billing party's amount due for the bill.

  • Alternatively from the pre-billed list page, you can click on the pre-bill invoice number, or from the Actions column, click the "..." three dots icon and click "Edit Pre-Bill".

  • On the pre-bill edit page, in the top blue toolbar header, click the "Split Billing Arrangement" button.

  • You will see a right side panel which will open and display the billing arrangement details for the pre-bill.

  • If you close the right side panel, click "Settings" from the blue toolbar header bar.

  • In the right side Settings panel, at the bottom of the PDF Summary Settings section, you will see an option to select "Show Split Billing Summary". Select this option and close the right panel.

  • You will now see the Split Billing Summary section on the bottom of the pre-bill page and in the Print Preview of the pre-bill PDF.

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