You can view a specific contact and edit details about any contact in ZenCase. Simply start by going to the Contacts list page and search or filter for a contact. You can then click on the contact's name from the contacts table. This will bring you to the contact details page.
View and Edit A Contact
Contacts that are not clients will have details specific to the contact, however there will be no billing details available for the contact.
Client contacts will have additional billing details and tabs available for the contact.
From the contact details page, you should automatically be redirected to the "Details" tab.
You can view and edit the following details for your contact:
General Information
Contact is a person (radio option)
Contact is an organization (radio option)
Contact is a client (checkbox option)
Company Name
Tags (select dropdown)
Phone Numbers
Email Addresses
Billing Information (For Clients Only)
Contact is billable
LEDES enabled (when LEDES is enabled in Firm Settings)
Require UTBMS Codes (when LEDES is enabled in Firm Settings)
Default Billing Type (select dropdown)
Billing Cycle (select dropdown)
Billing Notes
Minimum Trust Balance
Additional Information
These are contact custom fields defined by administrators with access to Firm Settings
All changes are auto-saved and shown at the top right corner
You will see "Changed Detected" when you are actively editing
You will see "Changes Saved" when auto saved
How To Edit Contacts In Bulk
On the Contacts page, you can select multiple contacts in the table with the checkbox. Then Click on "Bulk Actions" and select your action.
Bulk editing supports the following actions:
Mark as billable
Mark as non-billable
Mark as clients
Mark as non-clients
Edit Billing Cycle
Edit Default Billing Type
Edit LEDES Enabled
Edit Require UTBMS Codes
Once you've selected an action from "Bulk Actions", then enter the value in the pop up window and click "Save".
You should see the items successfully updated in the table. You may need to refresh the page to view updates.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.