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Settings For Automated Time Manager (ATM) Suggestions
Settings For Automated Time Manager (ATM) Suggestions

How To Configure Settings For The Automated Time Manager (ATM) Suggestions In ZenCase

Written by Daryna Chorna
Updated over a week ago


You can easily configure your automated time suggestion settings for all users in your firm to enable or disable a type of suggestion, as well as, configure how you would like automated time suggestions to be tracked by either a pop up time entry form panel or in the background, behind the scenes, automatically after each action is performed.

Each member of the firm also has the option to override the firm level options and configure their own personal settings for the automated time suggestion feature.

There are many types of automated suggestion actions that are tracked:

  • Emails Sent

  • Calendar Events Completed

  • Tasks Marked Completed

  • Documents Merged

  • Document Blueprints Created

  • Document Blueprints Updated

  • Memos Created

  • Memos Updated

  • Zen KM Items Created

  • Zen KM Items Updated

Configure Firm Level Options

At the Firm level, you can configure automated suggestions from the Firm Settings > Configurations > Suggestions page.

  • Click on your name in the top right corner, and you will see "Firm Settings" button.

  • Click "Firm Settings".

  • You will be redirected to your Organization account settings page.

  • Click on the "Configurations" tab.

  • Click on the "Suggestions" tab in the left sidebar navigation on the Configurations tab page.

  • You should see all of your automated time suggestion notification options.

  • You can click on the blue toggle slider button to enable or disable Emails, Calendar Events, Tasks, Documents, or Memos.

  • You can check the detailed item under each section to enable or disable tracking those actions in which to create an automated time suggestion.

  • You can enter a custom description to override the default description for suggestions.

    • You can use available template variables, such as "{email_subject}" in which ZenCase will automatically replace the "{email_subject}" variable with the real email's subject.

    • For emails only, you can enter domains in which you do not want to receive ATM suggestions. For example, if you do not want to receive ATM suggestions when you correspond with "[email protected]" or anyone from "", then you would enter the domain "" in the "Excluded Domains" list.

  • You can select between "Create in background" or "Popup on creation" option to choose how you would like the automated time suggestion to be created.

  • After choosing an option, click anywhere outside of the box to save your option. Switching focus between the checkbox or toggle button will auto save your options.

Congratulations! You have successfully enabled and configured automated time suggestions for all users in your firm.

Configure Member Level Options

At the Member level, any member of your firm can easily configure and override the firm level option to choose how the particular member would like to have automated time suggestions created for them.

  • Click on your name in the top right corner, and you will see "Your Account" button.

  • Click "Your Account".

  • You will be redirected to your member account page.

  • Click on "Settings".

  • Click on "Suggestons".

  • You should see all of your automated time suggestion notification options.

  • You can click on the blue toggle slider button to enable or disable Emails, Calendar Events, Tasks, Documents, or Memos.

  • You can check the detailed item under each section to enable or disable tracking those actions in which to create an automated time suggestion.

  • You can enter a custom description to override the default description for suggestions.

    • You can use available template variables, such as "{email_subject}" in which ZenCase will automatically replace the "{email_subject}" variable with the real email's subject.

    • For emails only, you can enter domains in which you do not want to receive ATM suggestions. For example, if you do not want to receive ATM suggestions when you correspond with "[email protected]" or anyone from "", then you would enter the domain "" in the "Excluded Domains" list.

  • You can select between "Create in background" or "Popup on creation" option to choose how you would like the automated time suggestion to be created.

  • After choosing an option, click anywhere outside of the box to save your option. Switching focus between the checkbox or toggle button will auto save your options.

Congratulations! You have successfully enabled and configured automated time suggestions for your member account.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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