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Delete A Task

How To Delete A Task In ZenCase

Written by Daryna Chorna
Updated over a week ago


You can delete a single task or multiple tasks in bulk from the Tasks list or when viewing a specific Matter on the Tasks list page for the matter.

If you have the required security permissions, you will see a "Delete" button in the table under the "Action" column. If you do not see a "Delete" button, then you may need to contact your firm administrator for assistance.

How To Delete A Task From The Tasks List

  • Go to the Tasks list page from left navigation bar.

  • Search or filter tasks as needed.

  • Click the "..." three dots icon from the Actions column for a task.

  • Click "Delete Task".

  • Confirm deletion, click "Yes, delete it".

How To Delete Multiple Tasks In Bulk

  • Go to the Tasks list page from left navigation bar.

  • Search or filter tasks as needed.

  • Select multiple tasks from the list click each checkbox or select all checkboxes.

  • Click "Bulk Action" button in top left of the table.

  • Click "Delete Tasks".

How To Delete A Task From A Matter Page

  • Go to the Matters list page from left navigation bar.

  • Click on the matter name for a matter from the list.

  • You will be redirected to the matter details page.

  • Go to Matter > Tasks tab.

  • Click the "..." three dots icon from the Actions column for a task.

  • Click "Delete Task".

  • Confirm deletion, click "Yes, delete it".

You should see your changes updated in the tasks list table. You may need to refresh the page to view updates.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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