You can set a role or rate assignment for certain members for a client in ZenCase. By creating a rate assignment for a client, you can establish certain rates for a specific member or member type that will calculate your time entry based on the default rate assignment.
How To Add A Role Or Rate Assignment For A Client
You can create a role or rate assignment in which you can then set default rates when entering time into ZenCase.
Go to the Contacts list page
In the Client filter, select "Yes" to filter contacts by clients
Select a client in the table by clicking the client's name
On the specific client details page, click the "Roles" tab
Click "Add Role Assignment"
Select a Member from the dropdown
Note: This is optional, however either Member or Member Type has to be set, if not both. When Member is set, then the rate will default to a time entry assigned to this member, regardless of the Member Type set.
Select a Member Type from the dropdown
Note: This is optional, however either Member or Member Type has to be set, if not both. When Member Type is set and Member is not set, then the rate will default to a time entry assigned to any member with this member type.
Enter the bill rate amount.
Note: If you set $0.00 all time entries will default to $0.00.
Check "Use Default Rate" if you want the rate to be skipped when setting a rate assignment.
Note: Use this option is for when you need the role assignment for the member and the bill rate should not be taken into account. Rate assignments will skip this matter rate assignment and will look for the next specific rate assignment from client, member or default firm rate.
Check "Pre-Bill Reviewer" to set a member as a pre-bill reviewer automatically when new pre-bills are generated.
Note: Pre-existing pre-bills will not be updated when this is checked.
Enter start date if needed
Enter end date if needed
Click "Save"
You have now saved a rate assignment. When you create a new time entry, select the member, client, and matter. You will see the default rate assignment applied to the time entry for the specific client.
Please note: If a matter rate assignment exists for the matter, the matter rate assignment is more specific than the client rate assignment. The matter rate assignment will be applied instead of the client rate assignment. Rate assignments are most specific to least specific in priority rate assignment.
How Are Rates Applied To Charges In ZenCase?
When you create a new time entry, ZenCase will apply the bill rate according to the sequence below:
Matter Rate Assignment tied to the charge’s member
Client Rate Assignment tied to the charge’s member
Matter Rate Assignment tied to the charge’s member’s type (but no specific member defined)
Client Rate Assignment tied to the charge’s member’s type (but no specific member defined)
Member’s default bill rate
Member Type’s default bill rate
Firm’s default bill rate
If you have any questions or comments, let us know!