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User: Connect To To Manage Files

How To Connect To In ZenCase To Manage Files For Your Clients And Matters

Christine Clark avatar
Written by Christine Clark
Updated over a week ago

To unlock the full power of ZenCase, you'll need to integrate with All of your files will be stored with enterprise-grade AES-256 encryption.

Sign up for a Box Business account. Make sure to invite all your law firm users to your Box Business account.

Note: We recommend a Box Business, Business Plus, or Enterprise account for the best experience with ZenCase. You may experience issues if you use a Box Starter account.

Once you have your file management account on Box, we'll need to authenticate it with ZenCase.

Connect Your Box Account With ZenCase

  • In the right-hand side, click your name to access the navigation menu. Then click "Account".

  • On your member profile page, click on "Integrations" tab

  • Under Box, click the "Connect" button

  • You will be redirected to the Box website and be prompted to login

  • Login to Box to confirm that you want to integrate with ZenCase

  • You will be redirected back to ZenCase integrations page

  • You will see that you are now connected with Box and you can disconnect at any time.

You can now start using Box to manage your documents and files right within each client and matter in ZenCase.

Visit any "Files" tab on any matter or client. You'll be able to create documents, preview documents, send them out for digital signatures....all with enterprise-grade security!

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